Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Last night, Thomas woke me up for 2-1/2 hours in the early morning. I was so tired this morning, but it was such a nice day that I decided to take him out to the park. I put him in his stroller and walked there. It takes me only about 10 minutes to walk to the small park near our house. There were several kids playing in the sandbox. One of the kids was on the baby swing, so I took him to the playground structure, and slided down the slide with him. He was all laughing!

There was this little girl, about 2-3 years old, playing nearby. A little boy around her age just came to the playground, and ran up to her, giving her a plush rose! He said, "Happy Valentine's" to her, and they gave each other a big hug. It turns out that they've been boyfriend and girlfriend for about a year. It was so cute!

I sat next to this woman and we introduced ourselves to each other. Her name was Amber. She was a nanny for 2 of the kids there, one of them 4 months old (Madeline), and the other was 2-1/2 years old (Luke). Finally, the baby swing was available, so I took Thomas there. He was laughing so much! It was adorable! He was not so adorable on our way home though. He was crying so loud all the way home!

At home, we baked a Valentine's cake for daddy Tony. I also made some bun rieu for dinner. This is a Vietnamese noddle soup with tomatoes and crab and egg paste. Now, we're just waiting for Thomas' daddy to arrive home to enjoy Valentine's day with us!

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