Monday, June 18, 2007

Thomas Gets His 1 Year Immunization Shots

Thomas went to the doctor today for his 1 year immunization shots. His weight is 22 pounds, 12 ounces, and he is 29-3/4" tall. The doctor said he's a little over the 50th percentile, which is good. He used to be in the 90th percentile. She also said all his motors skills are fine, except he should be saying at least 3 words by now. Right now, he can only say 1 word...have to try to get him to say more!

She also said that Thomas should be eating most things, except nuts, whole grapes, popcorn, chunks of meat, peanut butter, whole hot dogs, hard or sticky candy, bagels, or raw vegetables. Also, not too much sweets. She also said to go gradually on the seafood, since he has eczema, because most people with eczema are allergic to seafood. Thomas can start drinking whole milk too, and should be switching over to drinking his milk in a sippy cup. His intake on milk should be only about 2 cups because milk should not be his main food anymore.

I also told the doctor that he's still not sleeping through the night, and she said that I have to let him cry out and not feed him, or else he will continue to wake up in the middle of the night and expect his milk each time. He's been back to waking up about 3-4 times each night...I don't know if he can handle suddenly not having milk the whole night. I guess I have to cut back maybe one feeding every 2-3 days instead of doing it all at once.

Afterwards, Thomas received 5 immunization shots. When the nurse gave him the first shot, he started crying and jerking his arms and legs around while kicking and pushing the nurse's hands away. After all the shots, he refused to go near, or even look at, the was as if he knew. When all his immunization shots were given, I had to take Thomas to have his blood drawn to make sure all his red and white cells count were ok. He was crying so much again. Luckily he stopped once I got him out of the building. My poor baby was so good on the way home. I'm so glad he didn't get any fever from all the shots today! It's been a long morning for him.

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