Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thomas' First Tooth

Thomas has a partial of his front bottom tooth growing out. It had sprouted out last week. He's been so cranky lately because of his teething. His sleeping habits has also changed. Usually, he'd get up every 3 hours and drink his milk and fall back asleep. Lately, he's still been getting up every 3 hours, however, he's having a hard time going back to sleep. It's taking him up to 1 hour to go back to sleep! I'm hoping this teething phase will pass by quickly. I've been having only 3-4 hours of sleep everyday!

Also, Thomas has been drooling a lot and placing his fists in his mouth, so his rashes has been coming back. I try to keep his fingers out of his mouth, but he'd just put them back in. I've given him his teething ring and his pacifier, but he loses interest in them quickly. At least his cold milk helps him with his teething!

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