Monday, November 13, 2006

American Baby November 2006

In November 2006 issue of American Baby, the article "Let the Fun Begin" on page 62 talks about babies from 4 to 6 months. According to the article, by 4 months, most babies may start 'talking' by babbling open vowel sounds like 'aah' and 'ooh'. Thomas currently babbles the 'aah' sound.

The article goes on talking about how the first consonants are generally p, b, and m, so it might sound like babies are calling out 'ma-ma'. It's not a sign of whom babies love more - it's just that the 'm' sound is easier to form. The 'd' sound requires the tongue and muscles deeper in the mouth that will come later.

Also, according to researchers, infants of 4 to 6 months who have people speaking to them frequently are apt to learn language faster than those who don't. You should talk to your baby often, and when he/she is talking, listen to him/her.

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